Tuesday 2 June 2015

Introduction to the ocean and the survival of its creatures


            The Ocean

       Oceans are an essential part for life on planet Earth and for people. Nearly three-quarters of   Earth is covered by oceans. A large amount of the oxygen we breathe is created by the ocean. It is also home to many species. 


Once you have placed yourselves into groups of six according to your colour groups, comment on this post the species you will be exploring and the members in your group (Green group pick one of any of the species in green). Then, use the links to access information on each species by clicking on the picture or copying and pasting the website.    

Using the website, identify and describe 5 factors that each species will need in the environment to survive (other websites can be used to find more information). Each group should write or draw these factors on an A4 piece of paper that will be shared with the class.    

Giant kelp









White shrimp




Common Limpets






Leopard seal     


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